Powerful Women Workshop


Close at a distance!

We have all grown to better know ZOOM over the pandemic. Haven’t we?


As a preventative measure to COVID-19, the Region of Waterloo entered a lock-down that lasted longer than our community expected.

Don’t get us wrong, working safely from the comfort of your home with your family and pets around you was a nice change of scenery. Many agree, in fact, that the lock-down brought a much needed pause on the hectic and fast-paced lifestyle many of us have.

However, isolating at home did become claustrophobic and unbearable. We are social creatures, so becoming restless while isolating was inevitable.

Levant recognized the stress that was caused by the lock-down especially on mothers whose chores increased exponentially with the stay at home order. This is why we organized an arts and crafts workshop where women from our community met weekly for an hour over zoom.

The workshop started in January 2021 and ended with our last session taking place in May 2021. Participants were meeting every Tuesday at 7 pm to share crochet tips, jewellery making secrets, cooking recipes and more!

What is most impressive about the workshop is the fact that it was coordinated by a 17 years old, newcomer herself, Joury Bayer.

Joury expressed how happy she was at coordinating this workshop. Not only was it a useful experience for someone her age, but also she got the chance to meet new people and learn new skills.

This workshop was funded by the Canadian Red Cross COVID-19 Emergency Response program

This workshop was funded by the Canadian Red Cross COVID-19 Emergency Response program


Can you hear the music?


Levant Baladi Dance